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Library Materials
If you can't find what you are looking for in the CLAMS catalog, use the Commonwealth Catalog to look in all the libraries in Massachusetts
Digital Newspapers & Magazines
Statewide Digital Resources
Click on the Massachusetts Libraries logo to get access to databases, eBooks and more!
Boston Globe
Search the full text of The Boston Globe (starting in 1980).
New York Times
Search the full text of The New York Times (starting in 1985).
OverDrive Magazines
Enjoy a selection of 50 titles that are always available! No need to download--you can read them online or from your mobile device using the Libby app.
Popular Magazines
Popular Magazines includes 1,000 of the most searched magazines. Titles were selected based on actual publication searches performed by library patrons. This database is 100% full text and includes over 600 titles recommended by Bowker's "Magazines for Libraries."
eBooks & Streaming Services
You can find free e-books, e-audiobooks and e-magazines through the CLAMS Libby by OverDrive catalog and the Massachusetts Commonwealth eBook collection.
Discover the latest books in e-book or e-audio format, as well as a wide selection of popular, digital magazines. Accessible through your browser or on your smartphone or tablets as an app. |
Video Streaming Service You can access Kanopy by downloading the Kanopy app. To use Kanopy you must have a Cotuit Library CLAMS card. |
Craftsy is an online resource for all creative makers, where you can find everything you need – from basic instruction to advanced techniques. It’s a community of enthusiastic makers, from quilters and sewers, to cake decorators and painters, wanting to create beautiful things and express their creativity.
eReference & Databases
Check out our online databases
You may need to provide your library card number to log in to the databases from home.
If prompted for a Library password, use patriot
You may need to provide your library card number to log in to the databases from home.
If prompted for a Library password, use patriot
These databases are provided through the Kirkman Trust, the Massachusetts Library Board of Commissioners, and the Massachusetts Library System.
Britannica School
Britannica’s editorial staff and leading contributors from around the globe deliver authoritative and trustworthy information in all knowledge areas. A single consolidated search within any level can retrieve article, image, and video results, plus dictionary definitions provided by Merriam-Webster, magazine and journal content provided by EBSCO, and hand-picked Web’s Best Sites links. In addition, levels two and three offer Primary sources & E-Books and historical Britannica Year in Review supplemental articles. Level can be changed on search results and on individual articles, making personalization easy, and meeting learners where they are. Just look for the 1 – 2 – 3 icon on search and article pages. |
Britannica Moderna
Modern Britannica es una fuente de conocimiento autorizada y confiable, con miles de artículos sobre una amplia gama de temas. Descubre artículos enciclopédicos, recursos multimedia y otros materiales de referencia para tu investigación. |
NoveList Plus
NoveList Plus is a comprehensive readers' advisory resource for fiction and nonfiction. With an intuitive interface and extensive proprietary content, NoveList Plus answers the question: What should I read next? |
GALE databases, allow you to search for full-text magazine and newspaper articles, research and academic papers, encyclopedias, reference books, special collections indices and business information.
ProQuest Science Database
This database is a definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. With coverage dating back to 1986, ProQuest Science Journals features over 1030 titles, with more than 760 available in full text. Search over 2.7M records, dating back to the mid 1980s. Gale Interactive Science Database
Gale Interactive Science is a virtual lab which gives students access to interactive 3D models along with guided lessons and lab activities. |
Transparent Language
Learn over 110 languages online including English as a Second Language (ESL). Available for adults and with "Kids Speak" functionality. Create an account to set goals, save your progress and more. HeritageQuest Online
Trace your family's history using census data, land and war records, city directories and more. |
Gale Presents Peterson's Test Prep
Gale Presents Peterson's Test Prep is a companion to the Career Prep product, with help for a number of standardized tests and college research.
Gale Presents Peterson's Test Prep is a companion to the Career Prep product, with help for a number of standardized tests and college research.
Museum Passes
You can reserve passes by calling the Library or dropping in. Most passes have a three-day loan period and are good for parties of two or more; one pass per CLAMS card.
Other Links
A collection of quick links to useful online resources